Taiwan Design Expo'21 in Chiayi 《 Misplace 》


Well water carries nutrients from the past, and nurtures the future.

We follow the water system, search for traces in urban development, and learn about stories behind Red-Hair Well, the oldest heritage site in existence in Chiayi now. With different channels and timelines, we can almost hear murmurs in Chiayi, as if sounds and symbols from different water levels.

The title # # # looks like “well” in Chinese characters, and also displaced codes. We invite viewers to see from different angles, imagine themselves as water, and interact with the device at will. Through visuals, we introduce the abstract concept of time, symbolize the convergence of past and future, and bring cultural icons into interactive experiences via different viewpoints.

Date | 2021/12/18 - 2022/2/27
Venue | Chiayi Art Museum Gallery 1-3
Curator | Taiwan Designers' Web, Ben Chiu

Photo Credit : Taiwan Designers' Web

ONLINE media |
designboom | 'beneath the surface' exhibition honors taiwanese public spaces, landmarks, + landscapes
LaVie | 2021台灣設計展【06現域】嘉美館開展!6件作品構築嘉義市公共空間新想像
ARTouch | 嘉義市立美術館「現域」:設計角度重構嘉義地景新面貌
ShoppingDesign | 2021 台灣設計展嘉美館《現域》開展!6 組設計師地景創作,探問城市生活未來想望